
Top 12 Companies Attending LavaCon 2018

LavaCon 2018  is almost here, and the Astor Crowne Plaza Hotel will soon be filled with content professionals from different countries, October 21 to 24. It’s a much awaited event for technical communicators everywhere. Make sure to check out our top twelve companies at LavaCon.

Top 12

Check out the top twelve companies that attend LavaCon.

Here are our top twelve:

Adobe Technical Communication

Adobe, one of the world’s leading software corporations,  is expected to promote Adobe Technical Communication Suite 2019 in the conference. The toolkit includes five of its leading content creation software applications: Adobe Framemaker, Adobe Robohelp, Adobe Captivate, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe Presenter. As a plus, Adobe will hold a free certificate-granting workshop about content creation on Sunday. Be sure to check that out!

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EasyDITA is a next generation, enterprise-level content platform. EasyDITA centralizes authoring, editing, and the digital distribution of knowledge products and assets. Their method makes structured content easier for writers, content managers, companies, organizations, and their end-users.

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Iridize provides a unique employee learning module called the Context Aware Product Learning Mastery Suite. This learning module specifically orients employees to new web applications. Iridize makes sure that the learning experience is perfectly fit to the needs of the learner.

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The oXygen XML editor offers ready-to-use DITA support including visual editing, DITA-OT integration, DITA maps manager and much more. Its change tracking and annotation support, coupled with the possibility to create simplified user interfaces and its availability across platforms make it an ideal tool for capturing content from SMEs or for reviewing DITA documents.

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Precision Content

Precision Content Authoring Solutions Inc. is a full-service solution provider to medium- and large-scale organizations around the globe. Precision Content helps their customers to better understand and solve their content challenges. Their core services involve designing and implementing innovative, scalable, and sustainable solutions for authoring, managing, and publishing high-value content.

For more information visit at

Saiff Solutions

Saiff Solutions is a technical writing outsourcing company based in the Philippines. They provide superior process and product documentation efficiently and effectively at prices that yield extraordinary value. Join Barry Saiff, Founder & CEO for “Managing Content Development Teams: Inner Mastery for Outer Success” on Sunday, October 21 at 9:00 AM. Stop by the Saiff Solutions table to pick up a copy of Barry’s new book, Outsourcing Technical Writing: A Primer, being published on October 20, 2018 by XML Press as part of the Content Wrangler Content Strategy Series.

For more information visit


Since 1997, Scriptorium Publishing has been helping companies solve business problems and achieve strategic goals. They evaluate content challenges, recommend solutions, and implement tools and technologies that make solutions possible. Their services include content strategy, localization strategy, implementation and training, and support and maintenance. Join Sarah O’Keefe, Founder & Chief Executive Officer for “Minimum Viable Infrastructure for Enterprise Content ” on Tuesday, October 23.

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Stilo International provides exceptional tools to help organizations implement structured content solutions using XML. Their tools help organizations to automate the conversion of content to various source formats including FrameMaker, Word, InDesign, RoboHelp, and DITA XML. Stilo also offers AuthorBridge, a new Guided + Fluid DITA authoring solution for SMEs and occasional contributors.

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Vasont Systems

Vasont is one of the leading content management software providers in the technical communication industry. They provide content management to a variety of industries, including manufacturing, technology, publishing, finance, and healthcare. As a matter of fact, Vasont has been included multiple times in the EContent 100 list of “best and brightest digital content companies.”

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Webworks is the flagship publishing brand of Quadralay Corporation. Webworks believes that publishing is the first step to three goals: increasing product value, creating customer loyalty, and realizing documentation potential. Thus, they provide automated delivery of online content to multiple formats, languages, and devices. Webworks excels at conversions. Their tools can assist you in converting between almost any two formats.

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WittyParrot is a knowledge automation, collaboration, and communication platform that makes accessing information easy with just a few clicks, without navigating complex portals. More than a file sharing and storage solution, it enables you to discover, classify, assemble, deliver, and track all the content you need to work more effectively. Witty Parrot centralizes all of your company’s messaging, marketing assets, and best practice communications, enabling your organization to speak with one voice.

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Zoomin is a publishing solutions company that is primarily focused on enabling companies to deliver dynamic content to their customers. They can take structured and unstructured content and turn it into one format, creating a unified content experience for customers. As a matter of fact, Zoomin has been recognized by EContent Magazine as one of its Trendsetting Products for 2017. Join Pam Goodrich of Cherwell Software and Joe Gelb of Zoomin Software on Tuesday, October 23rd for “A Journey to Intelligent Content Delivery.”

Visit for more information.

Never miss the opportunity to meet the best content strategists, documentation managers, and other content professionals at LavaCon. For more information, visit Lavacon 2018.

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Saiff Solutions Inc.
Published October 17, 2018
6 years ago