Our Vision

Saiff Solutions exists to make the world a better place. We are committed to our own success, to the success of our customers, employees, and partners, and to the future of humanity. Our vision expands our view of the future beyond the mere success of our company, and has five elements:

Technical Writing and Multimedia Arts in the Philippines

Thousands of Filipinos enjoy rewarding jobs and life-long careers as successful technical writers and multimedia artists.

Technical Writing
Scope of Success

Scope of Our Success

By the year 2030, Saiff Solutions’ revenue has reached US$100 million per year.

Philippine Business Environment

The culture of work in the Philippines is transformed. Discrimination in hiring and in the workplace on the basis of sex, age, health status, family status, sexual orientation, or religion is rare. Filipino and foreign companies operating in the Philippines value all of their workers, treat them with respect, and see the value of investing generously in their workforce.

Philippines Business Environment
Philippine Economic Environment

Philippine Economic Environment

Poverty is rapidly ending in the Philippines due to an expanded, well-regulated domestic labor market, constant economic growth, and effective, well-funded NGOs that prevail in ending poverty through empowering the poorest to have greater opportunity and greater control over their daily lives and their own productivity.

Global Human Environment

Saiff Solutions is committed to the sustainable end of hunger for all humanity. We support The Hunger Project, one of the most effective development NGOs on Earth. The Hunger Project reaches millions of people in thousands of villages on three continents with a global budget of only about 20 million USD, empowering communities to end their own poverty. One of the reasons why The Hunger Project is so cost-effective is their willingness to directly confront the most important root cause of extreme poverty – gender inequality.

Our founder, Barry Saiff, began volunteering for The Hunger Project in 1981, and generated over 2 million USD for The Hunger Project as a volunteer fundraiser. When The Hunger Project began in 1977, 41,000 people were dying every day worldwide of hunger and hunger-related causes. Despite more than 50% of global population growth (from 4.2 billion to 7+ billion people), today less than 25,000 are dying of hunger. In the last 40 years, humanity has nearly cut in half the deaths from hunger. For the first time in history, it is now possible to end hunger, sustainably, for all humanity, within our lifetimes – by 2030.

We encourage you to explore the short videos and other information at The Hunger Project’s website, and consider whether ending hunger globally should be one of your most important personal goals.